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Dr. Jason Blackketter - vitalistic upper cervical specific Chiropractor

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One month to "go time"...

Hello from NW Arkansas #479 and Genesis Chiropractic!
I'm excited about the progress on opening up my new upper cervical specific Chiropractic office. Check out a "before" video tour of the location and office space. Build out is under way as I'm typing...and some pics and hopefully an "after" video will be available in a few weeks. Target opening date is May 3rd, 2010.
The website will be up and live in about a week.
Ribbon cuttings will be scheduled with the Rogers-Lowell Chamber of Commerce
and the Bentonville-Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce soon. Stay tuned for more info.

"Revitalize your life at Genesis Chiropractic"

Mark your calendars for our Grand Opening Client Appreciation Dinner Event:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 James and Rhonda Tomasi of "what TIME tuesday" will be the featured guest speakers. I plan for my guest list to include several prominent Chiropractors from the NWA region as well as a few upper cervical specialists from neighboring states.

For more info. on my specialized approach to Chiropractic please visit the following websites: UpCSpine, UpperCervicalCare, UCIllustrations, Tom Forest, AtlasofLife, and AtlasInstitute.
OR contact me at:


  1. Looks like a great place to set up a UC office. Congrats!

  2. What a great announcement that there will be another upper cervical chiropractor available to help people get well without drugs our surgery.

    Johnathan Oliver D.C.
