The Atlas of Life blog is one of the top-rated chiropractic sites on the internet. It turns out that Dr. Brandon Harshe primarily promotes and deals with upper cervical chiropractic. He started this blog while a student in chiropractic college and has had amazing success in a relatively short time.
In fact, they were recently rated as the #1 upper cervical website partly because of frequent updates and relevance. And the coolest thing about all that is their focus, which is clearly stated to be "the science, philosophy, and art of chiropractic." Promoting, explaining, blogging, and defending the BIG IDEA.
We submitted a listing on their directory for Genesis Chiropractic. It should show up soon.
Of course there are hundreds of places to go for information, but I can vouch for the integrity of the creator and author of The Atlas of Life. He cares about this stuff with a passion and he won't publish junk or post any links that will lead people astray (and I'm not just saying that because I've been mentioned in his blog!)...
Continue reading below for a preview of our listing details:
Genesis Chiropractic provides a unique VITALISTIC** approach to upper cervical specific chiropractic health care. We are focused on restoring and maintaining a clear neurological connection between your brain & body. We NEVER do any twisting, popping, cracking, or traction; but instead we deliver a specific, scientific, chiropractic adjustment designed for each individual client's unique anatomy and needs.
The specialized X-rays used to determine how to adjust are Blair 3-D stereoscopic spinographic views of the joints of the Occiput, Atlas, and Axis (literally where the skull and spine meet).
The precise protocol used to determine when to adjust (and when not to adjust) is based on pattern analysis of paraspinal thermography, atlas fossa temperature readings, leg checks, body balance & posture, and palpation.
My two main tasks as a Vitalistic Chiropractor are simply:
1) improve the alignment & balance of your spine in order to...
2) restore the tone & function of your nervous system, particularly at brain stem level in the upper neck.
The primary service we provide in our office is "connecting your brain & body" to help you maximize your expression of life. We teach our clients how to maintain the fullest expression of their Innate Life Source (aka - life energy, inborn potential, innate intelligence, mental impulse, breath of God, power source).
Living clear and connected gives your body the best possible advantage to grow stronger & healthier, begin to heal, adapt, thrive, move toward wholeness, and experience all the joys of life.
Live your potential...
Revitalize your life...
**Vi·tal·ism (noun)
The theory or doctrine that life processes arise from or contain a non-material VITAL principle and cannot be explained entirely as physical and chemical phenomena.
vital·ist (adj. & n.) vital·istic (adj.)
Thanks for the mention, Dr. Blackketter!