I was just thinking it might be nice to have
one place where all the active links to information about our office could be found in one place...so here is what we have right now.
Our main website is live now. Please make your way there and check out
Linkedin is the leading professional networking site on the web. Read about the specialized training, education, and experience Dr. Blackketter received prior to moving to NWA.
Facebook.com/GenesisChiropractic check it out. Do you "like" Genesis Chiropractic yet? Lots of pictures added of our office space and relevant stories you may enjoy and hopefully even learn a thing or two.
Twitter.com/Genesis_Chiro you can follow us and listen in for tweets about what's new and quick tips and links on how you can revitalize your life.
Blogspot.com you are on this one right now ;o) where we provide you with weekly posts of more detailed info. about living up to your potential, staying CONNECTED, thriving, and moving toward wholeness.
TheAtlasofLife.com a very up-to-date
blog about the
Science, Philosophy, and Art of Chiropractic -- #1 relevant upper cervical site in internet searches due to the constant updates, tons of great interviews, links, videos, etc.
UpCspine.com fantastic
resource of
everything Upper Cervical, including patient testimonials, history of UpC chiropractic, technique development, bios of leading pioneers in the field, latest research, resources, and a world-wide network of practitioners.
BestoftheWeb.com has our basic contact info. on Best of the Web's
local listing version of their pioneering internet database, a search engine for local services. Just type "chiropractic health" or "upper cervical chiropractor" and then add your zip code and there you have it!
YellowPages.com a leading website for finding local things you want...sort of like the actual "yellow pages" except this one
yp.com resides in cyberspace instead of the junk drawer in your kitchen or the recycling bin out in your garage.
Bing.com local is another local listing feature of Microsoft's new and improved
search engine. We are easy to find, even if you forgot our name; just type in "vitalistic chiropractic AR" or "upper cervical doctor Bentonville"
Yahoo.com also has a cool local listings page with a map and overview of our services, hours, payment methods, contact info., and a link to our main website that will give plenty of details soon. Just type in "Genesis Chiropractic Bella Vista" or "Genesis Chiropractor Rogers, AR"
ChiroKiddos.com a blog about how children need chiropractic care too.
ChiroKiddos is a small company founded by our very own Jessica Blackketter for the purpose of "Taking the BIG IDEA to the Little People." Her goal is to help Chiropractors have a better way to explain the spine, nerve system, life, health, and vitalism to the kids and their parents.
Rogers Lowell Chamber of Commerce has a coupon listing our most current special - ONLY $100 invested in your health gives any NEW client our complete consultation with the doctor, vitalistic examination, chiropractic assessment, paraspinal thermography, and unique 3-D stereo x-rays of the joints in the upper neck. Our main CoC listing is in the Chiropractors category
Bentonville Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce has a great members directory with our basic contact info., links, and a map to our office. They just did an overhaul of their
website and have plans to add our logo and update the e-mail contact to doc@genesis-chiropractic.com ASAP.
ChiroDirectory.com just posted our info.! It has a full description of what we do, the techniques used, a link to
genesis-chiropractic.com and a link to a
Mapquest.com map to our office location in N Bentonville. Driving directions from I-540 are take Exit 93 S on Hwy 71-B for 1/2 mile, turn W onto Avignon Way next to Bethel Baptist Church.
123chiropractors.com recently added our basic info. too. Their
site includes contact information (ph# 479.696.8000 and address 3216 NW Avignon Way, Suite 8, 72712) and my name, Jason W. Blackketter, D.C.
GoogleLocal will add it soon too, after
our main website is live...Patience is a virtue, I know, but since I'm not a techno-geek this 'puter stuff can get frustrating!
And finally I'll add just a few words as a little reminder about what we do at our office...
...and what I mean when I call myself a Vitalistic Upper Cervical Chiropractor.
We specialize in the upper cervical spine - Genesis Chiropractic will help you and your whole family begin to thrive and live up to your potential. Our goals go way beyond dealing with your pain or health problems. We work with you to:
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Renew your hope
Restore your health
Re-create your happiness
Reconnect you to your purpose
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Revitalize your life
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Our simple approach has two steps. 1) Improve spinal alignment & function and 2) Restore your brain-to-body neurological connections. And the cool thing is that this can be done without any popping, twisting, traction, or cracking!
vitalistic approach to life is a revolutionary way to think about your better health, improved function, true wellness, and new possibilities.
GENESIS Chiropractic -- moving each client toward wholeness.