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Dr. Jason Blackketter - vitalistic upper cervical specific Chiropractor

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do Drugs help us feel better and live stronger and grow healthier?

It is really a simple question, and the answer is obvious...NO...Drugs don't help us live better, stronger, or healthier lives.
But why do we still act as if our bodies are deficient in their supply of man-made chemicals?

Do we need more Drugs to feel better and live stronger and grow healthy?
What is the root cause of your problem?
Is it possible that we are lacking a drug?

Drugs and/or medications (prescription, over the counter, legal, or banned) are NOT essential vitamins or minerals. They do not help you live stronger or grow more healthy.

And BTW, Treating Symptoms is NOT a solution!
The dangerous drug side-effects are well-documented, but unfortunately this info. is still largely ignored as our society continues to seek a “quick fix” to pain or depression or cancer or other dysfunctions.Feel free to contact us and “Ask the Doctor” any question about real healthcare, chiropractic, vitalism, upper cervical care, or how the body really works. Give me some feedback. We’d love to help you, educate you and your family, correct the cause of your problems, and revitalize your life.

If you want a real 2nd opinion
from a truly different perspective than the popular viewpoint we hear from the medical and pharmaceutical industry, please click this link —> contact page for Dr. Jason Blackketter, vitalistic upper cervical specific Chiropractor

Check out Natural News TV and read more on this subject of drugs and healthcare our main upper cervical blog / home website:
Do we need more Drugs to feel better and live stronger and grow healthy?

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